Changing your WhatsApp number is easy. You can do it in three easy steps. The first step is to sign in to your WhatsApp account. Open your account, tap Settings, and then tap Account. Select the option to change your phone number. This will automatically migrate your account information, groups, and settings to your new phone. You can enter both your old and new numbers, and then tap Next. If you want to customize your numbers, you can choose custom numbers. The old number will not be notified to your groups.

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how to change whatsapp number

To change your WhatsApp number, first enter your old phone number. Then, click on the Registration button. After that, tap the Registration button and confirm your new phone number. You will be sent a confirmation code by SMS or by phone call. You will now see your new number, and you can message your old contacts from your new one. Just keep in mind that you can still read the messages and chats you sent to your old phone number.

Once you've verified the new phone number, you can choose to notify your old contacts with the new number. You'll also have to update your profile settings. After you have finished this, you'll have to confirm that your old number can receive SMS. Once you've done that, you can easily switch back to your previous number by following the same steps. The first step is to delete your old account. Then, you should delete the old account.

How to Change Whatsapp Number in 3 Easy Steps

After this, you can easily change your WhatsApp number. To do this, all you need to do is log in to WhatsApp and click on "Edit Account". This will transfer all of your old chats and groups. You'll need to confirm your new phone number by entering a six-digit registration code. Once you've verified your new number, you can view your old chats. The old ones will remain as they were.

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To change your WhatsApp number, you can enter your old and new phone numbers and then click "Change Number" at the top of the screen. Then, enter the new phone number and verify it with your old one. You'll be prompted to input the country code of your new number. After this, tap "Done" again to complete the process. Once you've confirmed the new number, you can now switch back to your old one.

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Next, you can change the number in your WhatsApp account. Go to Settings on your iPhone or Android device and then tap Account. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap Change Number. You'll be asked to verify the new phone number. After entering the new number, your old one will be deleted. You'll have to verify it to make sure it's your new one. Once this is done, click Done.

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Once you've verified your new number, you can go to Settings and select the new phone number. From here, tap the Change Number option. You'll need to input your old and new phone numbers. On the Account screen, select the appropriate option. When you've confirmed your changes, you'll be asked to confirm that the new number will work. Then, you can type in your new phone number.

The second step is to notify the people you want to notify that you've changed your number. You'll need to make sure to notify them on your new number. This will allow you to change your number and stay in contact with your contacts. If you've changed your phone number, the old one will still be linked to your old account. You'll need to update your contact lists to update this information in WhatsApp.

Once you've registered your new phone number, you need to choose the new one. You'll be asked to enter your old and new number. You'll need to verify your old phone number with your new one by confirming it. Once you've done that, you can change your WhatsApp number. This method will keep your old chats as well. This step is important for security reasons. You don't want to leave the new number out!

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